Classification of Tourism.

We may classify tourism as: 1) Domestic tourism 2) International tourism 3) Inbound tourism 4) Outbound tourism.

Domestic Tourism

Domestic tourism refers to the activity of residents within a particular country traveling and exploring destinations within their own country. In other words, it involves individuals taking vacations or trips to various places and attractions within their home country rather than traveling internationally. Domestic tourism can encompass a wide range of activities, from short weekend getaways to longer vacations within the same country.

International Tourism.

International tourism, also known as international travel or outbound tourism, refers to the activity of individuals traveling from their home country to foreign countries for various purposes, including leisure, business, education, medical treatment, or other activities. It involves crossing international borders and experiencing different cultures, environments, and attractions outside one's home country.

Inbound Tourism.

Inbound tourism refers to the activity of individuals or tourists visiting a particular country from their home country or another foreign country. In other words, it refers to tourists who are coming into a country, rather than leaving it for another destination. Inbound tourism is a vital component of a country's tourism industry and can have significant economic, social, and cultural impacts on the destination country.

Outbound Tourism.

Outbound tourism refers to the activity of residents of a particular country traveling to other foreign countries for leisure, business, education, medical treatment, or other purposes. In other words, it is the opposite of inbound tourism, where tourists come into a country. Outbound tourists are individuals who are leaving their home country to explore and experience destinations abroad.